The Secret Kissing Lesson

Summary: Towa asked Riku to teach her to kiss.
Towa was positively dying with curiosity over something her friends and classmates at school had mentioned. The little rascals had been teasing her mercilessly about her lack of kissing experience, and she couldn't help but wonder what all the fuss was about. She knew she was still too young to be swapping spit with anyone, thanks to some asinine rule or another, but that certainly wasn't going to stop her from fantasizing about it.
As Towa strolled through the dark, dense forest, she found herself lost in deep thoughts. She pondered how she could gain experience in the art of kissing, wondering who could help her with her curious desires. Then all of a sudden, she stopped walking when she remembered someone...
It was Riku, the humble guy who had offered to teach her anything she needed help with. She had brushed off his offer at the time, too caught up in her own important affairs to pay much attention to a mere commoner. But now, with the weight of curiosity and desire bearing down on her, she couldn't resist the pull of his kindness.
At first, she hesitated, wondering if it was wise to involve someone else in her forbidden musings. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized that Riku was the perfect confidant. He was trustworthy and discreet, with a heart as pure as the light that filtered through the trees. And so, with a sense of determination burning in her chest, Towa set off to find him, eager to explore the depths of her desires with the help of her newfound ally.
With a sense of apprehension coursing through her, she sought out Riku and timidly inquired if he could tutor her in the art of kissing. Riku was taken aback by her query, but he perceived the earnestness in Towa's plea and was inclined to assist her.
"I'm not certain if that's wise, Lady Towa. You are still young, and it's deemed inappropriate for you to engage in kissing." Riku's response was tinged with hesitance as he voiced his concerns.
Towa's reply was barely above a whisper as she spoke with conviction, "I'm aware, but I want to know how it feels, Riku. I have faith in you, so please teach me."
Riku's heart swelled with compassion as he gazed into Towa's earnest eyes, her plea tugging at his heartstrings. He knew that he could not turn her away, even if it meant treading dangerous territory.
Hence, Riku acquiesced, his tone soft and placating. "All right, I'll teach you," he murmured. "But we must keep this hush-hush. No one else can know. It's our secret, okay?"
Towa positively nodded her head, feeling an immense relief wash over her after Riku had happily consented to her request. He took a seat beside her on the mattress and, in a gentle tone, started to explain the concept of kissing and the necessary steps in order to execute it successfully. His explanation was met with wide eyes and a wide smile from Towa, who eagerly hung onto every word he spoke.
Riku took his time and went over each detail, smiling when he noticed how attentive and interested Towa was. He let her repeat each step and asked her numerous questions, focusing on making sure she understood before continuing. By the end of his explanation, the soft smile on Towa's face had been replaced by a wide grin, one that Riku was certain was filled with confidence and excitement for her upcoming kiss.
Riku offered some valuable advice to Towa as they conversed. He spoke in a soothing, calm tone. βLet's approach this slowly,β he said. βWe don't want to make things too awkward or uncomfortable.β
Towa was all ears, carefully listening to Riku's words. He was wise beyond his years, and what he said made complete sense. Taking things slowly was the key to having a successful first kiss. With Riku's guidance, Towa was sure that the special moment would be perfect.
Towa paid close attention as Riku commenced his instruction on the fundamental principles of kissing, her cheeks flushing with a mix of bashfulness and anticipation. Despite her initial hesitance, she was eager to learn the art of kissing from him.
As the lesson progressed, Riku leaned in closer to her, taking her by the hand and demonstrating how to tilt her head to the side and part her lips. Towa could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek, and her heart fluttered with excitement and nervousness.
"Watch me," Riku murmured before leaning in, and delicately pressing his lips to Towa's. Towa's pulse quickened as Riku's breath washed over her face, and she gave in to the moment, closing her eyes and savoring the kiss.
The kiss was pure and tender, but it also carried an undertone of yearning and curiosity. It was a new experience for Towa, and she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to kiss Riku again. The thought lingered in her mind, igniting a spark of excitement that sent shivers down her spine.
As Riku's lips touched hers, Towa was overwhelmed with a sense of affection and admiration. It was evident in the way he held her, in the gentleness of his movements. She couldn't help but feel at ease with Riku, and the kiss felt sweet and pure. There was no awkwardness or hesitation between them, just a deep sense of trust and comfort.
Riku's touch was so tender and careful that it made Towa feel at ease, even in this new situation. The kiss was innocent yet meaningful, and she felt a sense of warmth and safety with Riku. As they pulled away from the sweetest kiss, Towa's heart skipped a beat. She looked into Riku's eyes and felt a flutter in her stomach. It was like a rush of emotions flooding her all at once. She couldn't help but smile as she realized how much she appreciated Riku at that moment.
Towa felt warmth slowly envelope her face as the two of them slowly parted. She let out a whisper, barely audible in the quiet moment, "T-That... was amazing."
Riku smiled at her, and her heart fluttered as she looked into his kind eyes. His gentle reply was an affirmation of the shared experience as he replied, "I'm glad you enjoyed it." he said. "But remember, Lady Towa, keeping this a secret is important. No one else can know about this."
Towa nodded thoughtfully, feeling a bit guilty but also grateful to Riku for his help. She knew that she couldn't tell anyone else about their private kissing lessons, but she couldn't shake the feeling of excitement and anticipation that she felt whenever she thought about spending time with Riku.
Over the coming days, Towa and Riku found ways to be together in secrecy. They relished the chance to practice their kissing technique and explore their emotions for one another. Though Towa felt a bit anxious, the joy of being together was irresistible to her. She chose to push her worries and insecurities to the back of her mind, allowing herself to fully savor the experiences.
Riku, too, felt something stirring inside him. With each growing moment spent with Towa, he could sense a newfound joy blossoming inside him. He knew that it was something that only she could bring, a satisfaction beyond compares. Together, they explored the depths of their connection, unafraid to express how they truly felt.