Higurashi Shrine | R18+

Summary: These emotions make Towa long for the intimate touch and pleasure that only a man can provide—a pleasure that only Riku could satisfy...
As Towa returned home from school in the afternoon, she caught sight of Riku standing by a tree near Higurashi shrine. His unexpected presence surprised her; she hadn't anticipated a visit from him that day. Though she hid it well, Towa's heart fluttered with happiness at the sight of Riku.
Riku paid a surprise visit to Towa. Being both a lord and the new owner of Kirinmaru's ship, he managed to arrange days off for himself and his new allies in the team for a vacation. He kindly let his companions spend a week or two with their families before they met up again on the ship to keep traveling. Seeing how happy they were with their families made him realize how important it is to spend time with someone you love. It made him feel like their spirits were lifted up and showed how much strength family connections can give.
Without any family of his own to spend time with, he decided to visit Towa's place instead—the Reiwa Era.
He took this opportunity to visit Towa in the other world. He’s wearing the black jacket she had given him. Towa advised him to wear it in case he visited the modern era in Japan. He remembered Towa mentioning that wearing traditional Japanese clothing might seem out of place considering the time period and location.
"What are you doing here?” Towa asked as she approached Riku. Her eyes couldn’t look away from him because this was the first time she had seen him wearing a modern jacket.
When Riku removed his hood, Towa was impressed by the way his hair cascaded down. She suddenly noticed his long, untied hair reaching shoulder length. While Towa knew she shouldn’t be affected by this 'new look' of Riku, she couldn’t help feeling a little attracted to him when seeing him like this. That simple jacket made Riku appear quite sophisticated.
He looked sharp and handsome in this attire...
Riku found himself unable to speak when he saw Towa up close. As their eyes met, he couldn't help but notice that her beauty hadn't faded; she remained just as stunning as she always had been. Even after all this time, her beauty continued to be as breathtaking as ever.
"I...I wanted to surprise you, Lady Towa. I hope you don't mind this sudden visit."
Apart from Towa and Riku, the rest of the Higurashi family isn't at home right now because they went on vacation to a distant province in Japan. Towa couldn't join them due to her final exam at school. She couldn't afford to miss it, especially since she's soon to graduate from college. Towa found it amusing when she learned that both Riku's companions and her family were on vacation at the same time.
Remaining dressed in her uniform, Towa gives her undivided attention to caring for Riku, and she extends an invitation for him to join her inside her room.
While arranging the pillows neatly atop her bed, a sudden memory swept over Towa, taking her back to an earlier moment from the school day just before an exam. It was when a classmate excitedly approached her, eager to share a newly purchased fashion magazine.
Towa felt a tinge of shock as her classmate revealed photos of half-naked male models within the pages. Among them, the one that captivated Towa was a guy model sporting long hair— similar to Riku's current hairstyle. Deep down, she found herself drawn to that particular style of men's hair.
And she couldn't have expected that the hairstyle would perfectly suit Riku...
Towa couldn't resist stealing another glance at Riku's hair, quietly inspecting it to ensure she wouldn't be noticed by him. Despite the lack of 'modern' shampoos in his era, the beauty of his hair left her curious and impressed.
Puzzled by her own actions, she couldn't understand why she was drawn to touch Riku's hair. She knew it sounded weird, but honestly, there was something about his hair that made her obsessed with staring at it. Her hand almost felt an urge to touch it for some unknown reason.
Torn between confusion and an unspoken impulse, she finally found her voice. Unable to resist a strong desire to touch his hair at that moment, she locked eyes with him, refusing to break their gaze. She made sure to look directly into Riku's eyes.
"Would you let me fix your hair, Riku? It seems a little messy..."
His hair isn't actually messy at all. In fact, it looks really good. She's just using this as an excuse to conceal her true desire, hoping Riku will never realize her real intention.
Riku felt somewhat hesitant about Towa's request as he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable around him. He wasn't sure if it was right to interpret her tone of voice. It seemed a little seductive as she spoke to him.
Towa was already aware of his romantic feelings when he confessed. They weren't officially in a relationship, and he's still courting her. He holds a lot of respect for Towa and wouldn't dream of taking advantage of her.
To be honest, he doesn't know what he's going to say, but seeing Towa patiently awaiting his answer, he softly nods in agreement. Perhaps it isn't a bad idea if she simply wanted to fix his hair, right?
"Great! Come a bit closer, Riku. Let me fix it for you..."
Riku breathed heavily, consumed by guilt over his thoughts. Something about Towa's tone of voice captivated him. Any man hearing Towa speak this way could only think of one thing.
Deep down, he knew he didn't want to attribute malice to Towa's actions. Suppressing his true feelings, Towa was awakening something profound within him, tapping into hidden emotions. He was aware of a man's vulnerabilities and feared he might act impulsively if she persisted in her current behavior.
Riku sits on the floor while Towa occupies her bed. Taking a comb, she begins to brush his hair, a small smile gracing her face.
As she runs her own hairbrush through Riku's brown locks, Towa couldn't help but notice their length, reaching down to his shoulders. It gives her the impression of how much longer his hair has grown since they last saw each other.
Fascinated by the smooth texture, she ran her fingers through Riku's hair, unable to divert her gaze. Its softness felt exquisite against her touch as she delicately caressed each strand. Trying to be discreet, she inched closer to Riku, gently positioning her nose near his hair, inhaling its scent. She found herself irresistibly drawn to his natural 'aroma.'
Ah, yes! The masculine scent clinging to Riku truly stirred her senses to life.
Towa found herself baffled by an inexplicable sensation swirling within, unable to grasp why Riku's scent stirred something deep inside her. A strange guilt she couldn't quite place enveloped her heart, entangling her in emotions she couldn't comprehend. She questioned why these feelings surged every time Riku drew near.
Out of nowhere, a sudden wave of warmth wrapped around her.
Oh heavens! She's still a virgin! It's hard to admit to herself, but these emotions make her long for the intimate touch and pleasure that only a man can provide.
A pleasure that only Riku could satisfy...
Even though Riku wasn't doing anything, she couldn't help feeling an intense pull towards him. There was something about him that just drew her in, an irresistible attraction that she couldn't ignore...
The idea of him finding pleasure in her made her feel a fiery sensation, making her nipples stiffen against her soft silk bra. Just imagining Riku using her for his own satisfaction gave her an exciting shiver.
Towa feels completely swept away. All she can think about is Riku's deep, masculine voice. She wonders how it would sound when he moans her name. Yeah, whatever! She's aware it might sound intense and passionate, but she can't help imagining him moaning her name while they make love in her room.
Unconsciously, she began to lightly scratch the back of his neck with her nails. Towa bit her lower lip when she noticed Riku's gradual movement in response to her touch. Feeling startled, she immediately withdrew her hand. Sudden confusion clouded her thoughts. Why was she feeling this obsessive urge to touch Riku now?
This is not good! Oh my god, Towa! Wake up!
Towa caught a glimpse of Riku's reflection in the mirror. Feeling a little guilty about what she had done, Towa checked Riku's expression, somewhat concerned about what he might think of her due to her impulsive actions earlier. When she noticed his lack of reaction, she decided to go back to brushing his hair again.
Few more minutes passed, and the two of them remained silent inside Towa's room. Neither of them spoke, which wasn't an issue for Towa; she enjoyed combing Riku's hair. She simply returned her gaze to Riku's reflection and suddenly noticed something about him—the way he looked right now.
She noticed Riku's silence. He appeared weary and heavy-hearted, his eyes cast downward in deep contemplation, conveying a mix of sadness and pain. The burden of his troubles seemed to weigh heavily on him, giving off a strong feeling of despair. She had a sense that he was hiding something from her.
Towa was not used to seeing him genuinely sad; Riku was typically the one who initiated a cheerful atmosphere whenever they were together. His situation left her constantly worried. Riku's current aura was distinctly different; she felt a heaviness in his manner, as if he bore a burden of his own.
This is the second time she witnessed Riku in such a state. The first time she saw Riku in deep despair was when he cried over Zero's death. Zero was like a mother to him, so Towa knows how much it hurts for Riku to lose someone who took good care of him.
She paused brushing Riku's hair, maintaining her silence. Towa couldn't help but take in Riku's current appearance. She noticed how much more mature he seemed right now. As her eyes traveled to his face, she observed Riku's features up close, noticing a presence of small, thin facial hair growing around his chin.
How come she didn't notice it earlier?
A wave of concern swept over Towa as she couldn't shake her worry for Riku. She found herself entertaining the thought: What if Riku had been letting himself down in these past years? What if this is the reason he seemed a little bit different, leading to his altered appearance?
Riku seemed to snap out of deep thought when he sensed Towa had stopped combing his hair. Turning to speak to her, he found himself speechless at the sight of Towa breaking the surrounding silence. Her actions stirred emotions within him, leaving him unable to express his thoughts.
"Riku," Towa called out, her voice carrying a blend of concern and firmness. "Do you think you can fool me? I know something is wrong and your silence isn't helping. Talk to me. What's bothering you?"
Towa is the type of person who is very straightforward. The habit of concealing information has left her drained. She doesn't ask questions that only warrant a yes or no answer. She always poses firm questions that demand detailed explanations.
"W-What are you talking about, Lady Towa? I'm fine. Maybe I do look tired, that's why you might think something is bothering me." Riku replied, offering his sweetest smile to Towa. "You know, spending time on a ship for a long journey can be really exhausting."
Towa didn't like the response she received from Riku. Perhaps he had forgotten that she was the daughter of Sesshomaru, a powerful dog demon. Despite being a half-demon, she completely inherited her father's ability to sense when someone is in 'trouble' through their scent.
"Go back to your world, Riku. I don't want to see you again," she said in a cold tone, immediately setting down the comb she had been holding and hiding it under her pillow. Suddenly, her feelings shifted, and the desire she had for Riku vanished completely.
Hearing those words from someone he loved and cared for, saying she didn't want to see him again, made Riku's heart ache. He was taken aback by Towa's words. He felt sudden confusion, wondering why she was dismissing him so abruptly.
"B-But why? Did I do something wro—"
"Then tell me what's bothering you," Towa demanded, her tone cutting through the air. "How long will you stay like this, Riku? You always claim everything's fine, but just look at yourself now. You're not okay at all, you hear me? Please don't put me through agony worrying about you. You know how much I care for you. I don't want to see you hurt. You know I'll always be by your side, no matter what. Is it difficult for you to share with me what's bothering you? Huh?"
She was still in the middle of a conversation with Riku when they suddenly heard a call from downstairs. As Towa peeked to find out who was down there, her eyes immediately landed on the Higurashi shrine, which belonged to her grandfather. Two elderly women stood in front of it.
She felt sudden confusion. Were they not aware that her grandfather was not at home right now, and what were they doing in front of the Higurashi shrine?...