Summary: A young woman from the feudal era named Tamano goes into the modern world to look for Kirin Osamu, a stranger who once saved her from demons. When she finds him, she is surprised to learn that Osamu has distanced himself from everyone and also warned her to stay away from him because he believes he hurt people in the past.
A 19-year-old girl, Tamano stood in front of the university, her heart racing as she gazed at the tall, imposing building. She had traveled through time to find the man who had saved her life, the one who had left such a lasting impression on her.
She remembered their village being attacked by a swarm of demons.
She stood there, trembling with fear, as the group of demons closed in on her. But, just as they were about to strike, a mysterious stranger suddenly appeared from nowhere and positioned himself in front of her, protecting her from harm. The stranger's attire was a stark contrast to the clothing worn by the people in her village, suggesting that he might have come from a distant place. His attire was exotic and unfamiliar, with a style and fabric that was unlike anything seen in the village before.
The stranger acted right away without hesitation, pulling out his trusty sword and rushing towards the demons. The man's sudden appearance surprised the demons, and he was able to fend them off with his quick thinking and expert swordsmanship. She didn't get hurt and she was saved from harm.
With a relieved sigh and a grateful heart, she turned to the stranger who had come to her aid and spoken to him in a soft voice. "Thank you for saving me," she said, expressing her heartfelt gratitude. "I am Tamano. It's a pleasure to meet you. May I ask your name, please?" she requested, seeking to know more about the man who had risked his own life to protect her from the demons.
The stranger didn't respond. He simply looked at her with a mixture of confusion and distraction, as if he was lost in thought. He didn't say a word in response. Instead, he just turned around and walked away, leaving Tamano to wonder who he was and why he had acted so strangely.
She watched him go, feeling a mixture of gratitude and confusion. Despite his odd behavior, she was grateful for the stranger's bravery and quick thinking in saving her from the demons. But she also couldn't get away from the feeling that there was more to him than meets the eye, and she couldn't help but wonder what it was that he was so focused on.
She had never forgotten him and the way he had saved her from the demons that had attacked her village. She was determined to find and tell him in person how much she appreciated everything he had done for her.
As she walked through the campus, she felt a sense of unease, as if something was not quite right. She couldn't shake the feeling, and she soon realized she was being watched. Tamano looked around and saw the man she had been searching for.
When she saw him standing, she secretly admired his impressive physique as a tall and well-built man. His chiseled jawline and sharp features were striking, and his piercing eyes commanded attention. His slightly tanned skin tone added to his overall appeal. His long brown hair flowed down his back, which was a sharp contrast to the dark, thick gray glasses that sat on his nose.
The glasses tended to hide his dark green eyes, which made him even more mysterious. And she doesn't know why she can see the guilt and pain in his eyes...
"Mr. Osamu..." She approached him.
Fear filled his eyes, Kirin Osamu moved back when he saw Tamano approaching him. Quickly raising his hand, he gestured for her to stay away from him. "Please, don't come any closer," he said, his voice shaking. "How did you get into this world? We should never see each other again."
"Why not?" she asked with a lot of confusion. Osamu's response slightly upset Tamano. As if he wasn't happy to see her again. "I want to thank you in person for saving me. I've traveled so far to find you. You saved my life when demons came to attack our village, remember?"
Certainly, the image of this young girl stayed etched in his mind. It was impossible for him to forget the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on since the moment he arrived in the Feudal Era to confront and defeat Kirinmaru. Despite his real intentions to harm Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's daughters, he found himself saving the girl from the demons who were about to attack her. He didn't intend to show such bravery, but he couldn't ignore the village girl who was in need.
Osamu closed his eyes as he felt a pang of pity for the innocent girl who thought that he was a good person. He knew that she needed to be aware of the truth about his identity as a selfish incarnation of a powerful demon, Lord Kirinmaru. He couldn't bear the thought of her being near him, knowing the danger that she was in.
When he opened his eyes again, he was filled with an overwhelming sense of guilt and sadness. The realization of his true nature, as well as the knowledge that he was putting the girl in danger, weighed heavily on his heart.
"Listen to me," Osamu spoke, his heart racing with fear and uncertainty. He was afraid of revealing his real identity to the girl in front of him, feeling conflicted about his own emotions. " I am not the person you believe I am. I am not a human being. I am an incarnation of a fearsome demon named Kirinmaru." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, and he could sense the tension rising as he prepared himself for the girl's reaction.
Tamano was taken aback by what she had just heard from Osamu. Her thoughts were racing as she tried to process the information. But then she remembered the kindness he had shown her, the way he had guarded and saved her against the demons that threatened her. The memories flooded back, filling her with a warm feeling of gratitude. She took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and stepped forward with open arms.
"I don't care," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. "I accept you for who you are. All I know is that seeing you again makes me happy."
Osamu looked at her with a mixture of surprise and gratitude, and Tamano knew at that moment that she had made the right choice. Despite any uncertainty or fear, she was willing to stand by this man and be with him, no matter what.
As Osamu took a step forward, tears welled up in his eyes, unsure how he would react. But Tamano didn't hesitate; she immediately opened her arms and happily embraced him. He buried his face in her hair, feeling the warmth of her presence wash over him.
"I have caused so much harm to many people in my quest for power," he whispered, his voice filled with regret. "I don't deserve your kindness."
Tamano pulled back to look at Osamu, her eyes filled with care and compassion. "But you do," she replied, her voice filled with determination. "You have a second chance, and if your intention is to be a good person, I will help you. We will heal together."
The man looked at her, and a smile slowly spread across his face. "Thank you," he whispered. "I will try my best to be the person you believe I can be."
Tamano was happy to hear Osamu's declaration that he wanted to be a better person. She could see the determination in his eyes, and it filled her with hope and happiness. She was determined to do everything in her power to support Osamu on his journey toward redemption.
Osamu was taken aback as he suddenly posed the question to Tamano. "How did you know my name?" he asked, confusion etched on his face. " I've never introduced myself to you. I just saved you from the demons that were attacking you in the past."
Tamano smiled softly; her eyes filled with a hint of mystery. "You left something behind when you left," she replied. "I don't know what it is, but it holds your name. It's said that... it's a teacher's school ID?"
Osamu's eyes widened in surprise as he realized what she was referring to. He couldn't believe he had left such an important item behind, but at the same time, he was grateful that it had led her to find him.
As they stood there, a spark of connection seemed to ignite between them. Osamu couldn't help but feel drawn to Tamano, and he was filled with a sense of warmth and comfort whenever he was near her. He knew then and there that she was someone special, and he couldn't wait to explore this newfound connection further. Regardless of his past, Tamano knew that he was worth saving, and she was determined to help him find redemption.