Summary: Midoriko prays for a miracle, asking for a child despite being forbidden to bear children...
Articles about MidoKirin
Summary: Kirinmaru's POV. An erotic love letter for Midoriko.
Summary: Midoriko wants to sleep after finishing her duties as a priestess, but Kirinmaru's...
Summary: Midoriko directly asked Kirinmaru if he wanted to engage in sexual intimacy with her....
Summary: Midoriko needs to return to her village to attend a ceremony at the Shinto Shrine, but...
Summary: Kirinmaru felt unworthy of Midoriko's love due to his perception of his appearance....
Summary: Kirinmaru caught his wife, Midoriko, pleasuring herself in private. He provided her with...
Summary: Midoriko takes a tragic turn when she gives birth to a child who is ultimately rejected by...
Summary: A female demon who was obsessed with Kirinmaru attacked Midoriko. As a punishment,...
Summary: Kirinmaru, Midoriko, and their friend Inu No Taisho are having a cozy New Year...