Summary: Kirinmaru, Midoriko, and their friend Inu No Taisho are having a cozy New Year celebration. Then all of a sudden, Inu No Taisho asks Midoriko about important childhood experiences that she missed out on but believes would be valuable for her children to have.
A cozy home was warm and inviting, offering a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere that was perfect for a relaxed New Year's Eve celebration. The ambiance in the living room was enhanced by the twinkling lights and festive holiday decorations, creating a cheerful and joyful mood. The room's focal point, the fireplace, was blazing with warmth and light, adding to the cozy atmosphere. The soft glow of the fire provided a soothing and tranquil atmosphere, making it the perfect place to spend a quiet evening with loved ones. The snow was falling gently outside, adding to the evening's peaceful and serene atmosphere.
In their warm home, Lord Kirinmaru and Lady Midoriko sat around the fireplace, sipping on hot tea and chatting with their friend, The Great Dog Demon, Inu no Taisho. They were celebrating the end of another year.
As they reminisced about the past year and made plans, Inu No Taisho turned to the priestess and asked, "What are some things that you did not get to experience during your childhood but now feel are important for your children to have? Is there a specific moment when you realized, "This is what I want my children to experience"?"
The priestess hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts as she wondered how much information she should reveal to Kirinmaru’s friend. She was cautious and uncertain, aware of the sensitivity of the situation. But after much consideration, she came to the conclusion that it was important for Inu no Taisho to understand her background and the circumstances that had led her to where she was.
"The experience of having your mother and father by your side,” the priestess began. Midoriko's eyes filled with tears as she thought about the question. “I never experienced having a genuine family. My parents broke up when I was just three, and I was brought to a different village. I was adopted by a kind priestess, but I always felt like something was missing. I never knew what it was like to have a mother and father who loved me unconditionally."
Inu No Taisho listened intently, his heart going out to the priestess. His friend, Kirinmaru was married to the most powerful priestess in their village, who was respected and revered by the community for her spiritual abilities. Despite being close friends with him, he was unaware of the fact that Kirinmaru’s wife had endured a challenging upbringing. Midoriko had faced numerous hardships and struggles in her childhood but had overcome them to become a strong and resilient woman. Even though she had been through hard times in the past, she was a loving wife to her husband and a dedicated member of their community.
He still couldn't imagine what it must have been like for her to grow up without a family. "That must be hard. I had no idea," he said softly. "You are such a strong and powerful woman, it's hard to imagine that you've been through so much."
Kirinmaru sat quietly as his wife told their friend about her tragic past. He had always known that Midoriko had experienced a lot of pain and hardship but hearing her speak openly about it was still hard for him. He knew that the topic was a sensitive one for her, and he could see the sadness in her eyes as she spoke.
The priestess nodded. " Yes, it was. As a child, I never knew what it was like to have a happy family. I struggled for many years, feeling lost, alone, and misunderstood," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "Being a mother and having a loving husband are the best things that have ever happened to me."
Kirinmaru noticed the sadness and pain in Midoriko's eyes, and it affected him deeply. He could sense the weight of her experiences and the emotional toll they had taken on her. He wanted to offer her comfort and support, so he reached out and took her hand in his. He gently squeezed her hand, hoping to convey understanding and empathy through his touch.
"I'm so sorry for what you've been through," he said in a soft, gentle voice. "The thought of all the hardships you faced just breaks my heart." He could see the pain etched on her face and he wanted her to know that he was there for her. " I can't even imagine how hard things must have been for you.”
Kirinmaru's words were filled with kindness and compassion, and his touch conveyed a deep sense of comfort. He hoped that his simple act of reaching out would bring some solace to Midoriko and help to ease the burden of her memories.
The priestess looked up at her husband with a sad smile, acknowledging the difficult experiences she had gone through in the past. Despite the hardships she had faced, she had emerged stronger and more determined to provide a happy and loving home for their children, Riku and Rion.
"It was tough, but I learned so much from it," she said, her voice filled with resilience. " I'm more determined than ever to give our children the family I never had. I'm grateful to have you by my side and to have this happy family of our own. It's the most wonderful feeling in the world."
The Beast King felt a rush of love and gratitude for his wife. He realized how lucky he was to have her in his life, and how she had overcome so much to become the strong and caring woman she was today. He pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her in a warm embrace. He then leaned down and kissed the top of her head, conveying his love and affection through the simple act.
"You truly are the most amazing woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing," Kirinmaru said, his eyes filled with love and admiration. "I am beyond grateful to have you by my side, every step of the way. Your strength and resilience is truly remarkable. You have overcome so much, and it's a testament to your inner fortitude and unwavering spirit."
He remembered the early days of their relationship when they had struggled to find common ground. But despite the challenges they had faced, they had persevered, and they had built a beautiful life together with their children.
"Our relationship may have had a rocky start, but it has blossomed into something truly beautiful," he continued. "We have built a loving home for our children, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am forever grateful for you."
Midoriko's eyes filled with tears once again as she listened to her husband's words. She knew that he loved her deeply, and she was grateful to have him by her side. She leaned into him, feeling the warmth and love of her husband envelops her.
"Thank you," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "I couldn't have made it through all of that without you. Having a family and a home to call our own has been the greatest gift we could have ever received."
A look of understanding and recognition dawned on his face, Inu no Taisho watched the exchange between Kirinmaru and Midoriko. He was touched by the sincerity and deep love that the couple shared, despite the differences in their backgrounds. He couldn't help but smile at the sight before him.
"It's truly amazing to see the bond that you two share," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "Regardless of your diverse backgrounds, it's crystal clear that you were meant to be together." Inu no Taisho was a wise and experienced leader, and he understood the importance of finding true happiness in life.
"Happiness is a rare and precious gift, and it's even more challenging to hold onto," he continued. "But it's good to see that you've both found it in each other. Your love and devotion are a testament to the strength of your bond."
Inu no Taisho's words were filled with kindness and admiration, and he couldn't help but feel happy for the couple. He knew that true love was a rare and precious thing, and he was grateful to have witnessed it firsthand.
Kirinmaru and Midoriko shared warm smiles, feeling a deep and abiding love for each other. They were filled with gratitude for all that they had been able to create and experience together, and they were happy knowing that they had the support of Inu no Taisho.
As the clock struck midnight, they raised their glasses in a toast to the future, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together as a team. They were strong together, and they were confident in their ability to overcome any obstacle that came their way.
Kirinmaru and Midoriko were eager to see what the new year would bring. They had a deep sense of love and gratitude for each other, and for the life that they had built together. They were excited about the adventures and experiences that awaited them, and they were confident that they could face whatever the future held, as long as they were together.